"Aku menyintaimu kerana agama yang ada padamu, jika kau hilangkan agama dalam dirimu, hilanglah cintaku padamu" IMAM NAWAWI….

Selasa, 5 Julai 2011

The Tongue is the Sharpest Weapon

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate

The tongue will one day reveal the real YOU, the tongue will one day speak out and show what is really in your heart. Be careful as to what you have taken into your heart.

Lets take a look at the water pot. What comes out of it?

Only that which you put into it. Therefore if you put water inside, only water would come out, if you put blood inside, only blood would come out, if you put Zamzam inside, only Zamzam would come out, if you put dirty water inside, only dirty water will come out.

Now lets take a look at a vital organ, The Heart. The heart is the same as the water pot, what ever you put inside, the same shall come out. Let us be careful as what we do, what we see, what we feel, how we behave, etc etc.

So what ever we take in and absorb will one day come out.

And how will it come out? the tongue!

Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity:these are not affected by what people say:for them is forgiveness, and a provision honourable (Surah Nur verse 26)

in malay tranlated : (lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik, dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat) mereka (yang baik) itu akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah) dan pengurniaan yang mulia.

Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anh) reported:The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent." [Muslim]

Therefore, before we say something should think first. We use the tongue to say something good and not wasted or better yet we keep quiet. That is more benificial than we said things that can lead to sin. Those who believe, do not talk about nothing in vain and useless.

“Verily, Allah does not look at your faces and your actions but he looks at your hearts and your intentions.”